Recovery and Career Mentors
In the active stages of addiction or mental health, it can feel like life has gone off the rails. Your career, education, relationships, and self-identity are often neglected during this time, leading to a personal crisis that can leave you feeling defeated. You know you want more out of life, and this desire can act as a catalyst for change that culminates in the need to take action.
At START UP RECOVERY, our clients have reached a point where it's time to reinvent themselves. The first step is getting into action around their recovery but it doesn’t end there. The real work begins as you learn to accept yourself and redirect all of the time and energy spent regretting past decisions toward something better. Rebuilding relationships, a career, learning a new vocation, or finding the courage to pursue your dreams — these are just a few of the things you can achieve on the path to true recovery and reinvention.
But along the way, you may need some help harnessing your potential. At first, it can be difficult to know where to start when setting out to achieve your personal and professional goals. That’s why we’ve created a one-of-a-kind Professional Sober Mentor Network as a core part of our program. A mentor is someone who provides guidance during critical moments of growth and change and can help create a roadmap that steers your focus toward a brighter future.
World-Class Mentor Network at
At START UP RECOVERY, we’ve assembled an All-Star Mentor Network of professional men and women who have maintained long-term recovery while achieving extraordinary success in their careers and personal lives. They are captains of industry and even more importantly successful husbands and wives as well as fathers and mothers. They are good citizens, of service to others, and respected in the community. Our goal is to empower clients to discover and follow their dreams with a renewed sense of confidence and a START UP RECOVERY mentor can be a critically powerful component.
Our Professional Sober Mentor Network is unlike any other. It is assembled based on career vertical and includes personal, professional, and practical guidance for thriving in recovery. By placing our residents with accomplished mentors who have risen above their own challenges, we provide the opportunity for clients to see the literal “flight path” these individuals have taken to accomplish a balanced, thriving life that puts recovery first.
This potent combination has been key to our successin helping clients transform their lives. Learning how to push the reset button and navigate a new, emotionally sober lifestyle is never easy, but our world-class mentors can help clients redefine their priorities and get back on track in their careers or professional lives. Mentors can provide real-world advice for succeeding in life and their chosen field.

the sTART UP RECOVERY team of professional mentors represent over 50 different industries including:
- Technology
- Entertainment
- Music
- Sports
- Non-Profits
- Big Data
- E-Commerce
- Medical
- Legal
- Insurance
- Financial Services
- Wellness
- Marketing/Public Relations
- Automotive
- Virtual Reality
- Artificial Intelligence
- Fashion
- Real Estate
- Digital & Traditional Media
- Cosmetics
- and more...
We bring in one mentor from our expansive network every Thursday evening to share their experience, strength and hope with our clients. They share how over time, their recovery journey has allowed them to find career success as well.
“We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.”