Executives & Professionals
Designed for C – Suite Executives and Professionals looking to push the reset button on their career. The program is modeled to address executives in a manner that meets their standards or preferences. Due to the high-profile nature of this population the business of each client is appropriately handled with total discretion. We work closely with our residents and their employers assuring them of a “soft landing” back to their job or transitioning to a new career. We are equally committed to the assistance of healing families as this is often a significant factor in successful long term recovery.

Maybe you already own or have launched a successful venture or have a lingering idea for an app, fashion line, or small business... but, it was delayed by addiction, alcoholism, or trauma. We have found that our residents have great passion towards things they create... and we support that passion with seasoned entrepreneurs, credentialed teachers, and change agents in most industries to make the lives of our residents bigger, fuller, and with authentic meaning.
Residents are able to turn their addiction from drugs and alcohol to their "passion project" and attack their product or service with the same vigor they had for their addiction. And if at any time during the process they feel overwhelmed, they are surrounded by fellow sober peers and recovery experts to help pause and take care of their sobriety in real time.
Each client gets a world class mentor in their industry of choice to help and support them navigate this brave new world.
Creative Spirits & Artists
We know that the most difficult work of the now clean and sober creative spirit or artist comes when they are faced with immersing themselves back into the reality of daily life where triggers, temptations, relationships, and lifestyle can be extremely dangerous hurdles.
To empower our residents to take the right steps toward long term sobriety they will have access to a recovery playbook and a sober mentor in the industry specifically matched to them. This world class mentor can share their own career path and explain how living sober has worked for them while chasing and accomplishing their dreams. The mentor is also able to open their book of sober resources and networks forming a truly powerful partnership.

You lost your identity as an athlete, teammate, hero and you are asking yourself… “Now what?”
Drugs and alcohol may have played a role in you losing out on the sport you love. Maybe your addiction and alcoholism kicked into high gear at the height of your career, or when you got injured, or when you did not get the D-1 scholarship, or after college the pros never called.
Through START UP RECOVERY you will have access to: A recovery playbook, a sober mentor, and a recovery teammate along with a fitness and nutritional plan. This comprehensive program offers a solution to leverage your innate drive, competitive nature, and discipline into getting back on the field or court, or finding a new purpose, or a new career piggybacking on your good name, and a new meaning in the game of life.
It is important for you to know... you are not alone.
Career Launcher
You have blown up in college or your career through drinking and drugging. Your parents and or family are devastated, your are full of shame, and your friends are moving past you in life. (That last part of the sentence is all B.S. by the way). Everyone has their own path to discovery, their own path to education, their own path to success, and their own manner to walk that path. We support several options from landing a new job or transferring skill sets to a new career. We also work with addiction and drug counseling programs at local colleges and universities.
Residents are under "new management" this time as they "push the reset button" on their career, family life, or college experience. Recovery comes first, and then everything else. We make sure every resident has peer groups that support this reorganization of priorities as well as access to a Professional Sober Mentor who can act as a real time counselor/guide in the desired industry. We offer each resident a customized plan that can include everything from resume building, job placement, degree planning, living on a budget, and daily scheduling.
ASU Online is a key partnership we have to help residents acquire a real degree from a real college. We feel strongly that our residents may be judged on their past, and want to arm them with credentials that move them past that feeling of "shame" and into a formidable future with a degree from a Top 50 school in the US.

“One thing is certain in life. You and everyone around you will make mistakes.”