To put it simply, humans are complicated. These complexities shape you into becoming who you are, including your experiences, what importance they have in your life, how you interpret them, and whether or not you accept them. These factors combined create opinions about yourself and others. Such beliefs and perceptions help create your conscious circumstance, resulting from millions of pieces of data in the subconscious, which molds who you are.
Succumbing to feeling lazy or becoming unmotivated is no different. The reservations or assumptions you might have over either and how they apply to you can become damaging if you deny or interpret your situation from a skewed lens that is not honest to who you are but somewhat shaped by others’ judgments around you. You might be confused or unfocused on yourself, and you need to realize if you are lazy or unmotivated.
Lack of Motivation
A lack of motivation sometimes gets attributed to a lack of passion. Passion is something that inspires you toward a goal or a vision that you look forward to and anticipate achieving. Being proactive in such a way further fuels your motivation in pursuit of self-satisfaction. However, you might lose the drive or the passion when you reach challenges and breed negativity and therefore fail to meet your expectations. Soon, your enthusiasm to pursue a goal might become extinguished and thus making you less motivated to pursue the dream.
To further understand if you lack motivation, try to utilize mindfulness and sit with your thoughts and feelings. Evaluating your recent decisions and how they made you feel can help you pinpoint where you began to lose motivation. Sometimes you might have to curb your expectations and redesign your efforts to bring back your confidence and motivation.
Experiencing Procrastination
Sometimes the underlying issue isn't merely being lazy or lacking motivation; sometimes, it is fear. Procrastination relates to your decision-making process, and if you are uncertain or scared to pursue an option, you will likely hinder the effort you make. Such fears could stem from making the wrong decision and facing the consequences. While a big part of recovery is about taking a risk, it's about calculated risk, therefore knowing what you're capable of before taking a risk helps you navigate your decision more confidently.
However, if you're procrastinating because of fear, you might always transform your belief system to doubt your pursuits. Defaulting to this idealism clouds your decision-making process altogether. It can soon become a subconscious pattern of inactivity fueled by the fear of failure. Instead, challenge your thoughts by addressing the source of your fear. Look for ways to cope with it or alternative ways to help you continue to develop ways to overcome it. For example, you might set smaller goals to help you gain the confidence needed to pursue your dreams.
What it Means to Be Lazy
Laziness does not typically stem from fear or loss of passion but instead adopting an attitude of “I don't care.” Laziness is the act of putting off necessary responsibilities. To be lazy requires a great deal of intelligence as the lazy person is often a great strategist and works well under pressure. However, none of these traits should justify being lazy – laziness accomplishes nothing. If you are trying to find a loophole or a shortcut to get something done in half the time, you establish bad habits and limit yourself from the full experience. It might feel productive and as if you can accomplish more at times; however, it can also result in a job not being done correctly, or concerning your recovery, not wholly grasping the meaning of your forward progress.
Eventually, these habits keep building on one another, and too often, you might continue to look for more shortcuts until you inscribe an “I don't care” attitude into your subconscious. Recovery is about progressing at your pace – not trying to keep up with others. When you move at your pace, you're making sure to complete tasks and goals thoroughly until completion.
Getting Back Motivation
Knowing yourself helps you recognize negative patterns that might be standing in your way. It might also feel overwhelming to overcome them and get back your motivation; however, there are great ways to start working in healthy ways toward the life you deserve. First, start with a few things at a time. A bulky to-do list can create more stress, whereas if you focus on only the top two or three priorities, you might find your plan much more manageable and meaningful. Taking this approach can have you feeling more motivated in no time.
You can also exercise. Exercising is excellent for both the mental and the physical aspects of health. Your brain produces “feel-good” chemicals while exercising that can be important for creative and motivating thoughts. If you have been struggling to be productive, try jump-starting your brain with a little exercise.
Finally, taking time to organize your day where you can incorporate self-care, exercise, and sitting with your thoughts brings balance to your life, so you're not always fearing or harping on a negative outcome.
Recovery is about taking the time to learn about yourself and how you connect with yourself and the world around you. Understand that this takes time to develop, and it is a different pace based on the individual and their needs. If you suspect you are lazy or unmotivated or that you're scared to move forward, it is time to seek help. At START UP RECOVERY, we help to rebuild you from the inside out to give you the confidence and motivation needed to attain your best successes. We believe that there is no small goal so long as it is a stepping stone that keeps moving you forward. At START UP RECOVERY, we will help you realize that moving forward and trusting yourself and others is the approach to sustaining lifelong recovery. With a shoreline location, you will never be short of motivation. To learn more, reach out to us today at (310) 773-3809.