Everybody has that one that they would love to get around to trying at some point in life. It could be traveling to a destination, pursuing a career opportunity, or starting a band; whatever the desired action, most people accompany their dreams with excuses not to do it. “It's not practical to begin a new venture,” “It's too costly,” or “It will never work out.” There is always an excuse not to do something, and sometimes taking the risk allows you to discover new things about yourself and discover new opportunities.
Remember, everybody has things they dream about and would love to do, so why do some people get to do these things while others do not? Is fear or lack of faith holding you back? Is it not knowing where to start? Instead of focusing on the negative aspects, ask yourself, what if achieving these dreams is possible? What if you do have what it takes? Wouldn't you then be intrigued if all the answers to these questions are yes?
Open it Up
Surrounding yourself with supportive people you can trust can help you find the confidence you need to start. You might find that a friend, family member, or peer from your support group has accomplished what you desire to do. The best part is, consulting friends and family for support, encouragement, and overall knowledge require no risks because you trust these people. It's all about learning key strategies to help you with your ideas and motivation moving forward.
By allowing yourself this opportunity to open yourself up to others, you might become excited and motivated to pursue this lifelong dream. If you decide to go in another direction, that is okay. This process can also help you grow and make new connections that could lead to new possibilities.
START UP RECOVERY believes that you're only as strong as your support system. To achieve your personal and professional goals, you must begin by surrounding yourself with a diverse network of people who are motivated to support you.
To begin, you can compose all the questions you think of about your desired activity. Writing out questions helps prepare you when you consult others and helps you get your thoughts out there. Writing things out might even inspire and provoke additional questions that you had not considered. It is all about allowing yourself the opportunity to answer the questions you have. If the answers don't meet your expectations or find that you're learning this pursuit requires things you did not expect, that's okay. Any information you gather is invaluable.
Make Your Choice
When you gather the information and confidence needed to begin to plan, you will ultimately want to make choices that resonate with what is important to you. For example, look at what matters and what does not matter. If this endeavor resonates with you, your success, and your recovery, listen to that for guidance. If you understand that you will find enjoyment and fulfillment in the process of learning throughout this endeavor – even if it does not happen precisely how you envision it, still listen to it. Part of this process is to listen and experience how your thoughts make you feel. Try to avoid allowing fear to stamp out what matters. Let the positive emotions flow through you.
You will also want to take a practical approach when evaluating your options, including where your priorities lie and what you might have to change to accommodate this goal. Indeed, you have important things to consider: work, family, hobbies, relationships, and overall health and wellbeing. Take inventory and be clear about what priorities are at the top of your list. Next, try to determine what compromises you will need to make to allow them the time and energy required to continue moving forward toward doing this one thing.
If your current time and situation don't let you handle an extra pursuit, that is okay. Recovery is about moving at your own pace and taking on new ventures when you are ready. Don't become discouraged or resentful if you cannot pursue this goal right away. Instead, figure out what criteria are needed for you to start and focus on that. Even working toward making accommodations is the same as working on and toward the desired dream.
Do One Thing At a Time
When you gather all the information and find how to make the compromises needed to move forward, it is time to take action; however, you will want to be deliberate with your efforts when doing so. Most people give up on an idea or dream because they take on too much, too fast. When setting goals and expectations, it is essential to curb your ambitions and be realistic to not place too much pressure on yourself. Focusing on one thing a day to start is a great way to help you manage big or small tasks required to build up your confidence and sustain motivation. Breaking your plans down into practical tasks helps you better focus to manage your time and efforts.
It is also beneficial in helping you learn so that if there is a setback, not only will you not be too far ahead, but you will be better prepared to handle it. It also helps you learn that you will not control all outcomes and might need to take a new approach. You will always be in the right place when you keep checking where you are, making your choices, and taking another step toward your goal.
Remember, there is no timeline when you can or cannot pursue a dream so long as you exercise logic and rational thinking grounded in a healthy place. Understand that reaching your desired goal sometimes takes compromising and finding alternatives within the field that better suit you where you're at in life. At START UP RECOVERY, we move to help people work toward reaching their best success. Part of the process takes putting yourself out there within a community that holds no judgment and is motivated to help and support you. START UP RECOVERY is this community. If you feel as though you are out of ideas, or options to getting the best from life, then it is time to take the next step in getting help. Let START UP RECOVERY be that next step toward your transformation into success. To learn more, reach out to us today at (310) 773-3809.