Early on in recovery, it might feel somewhat effortless to imagine and pursue all the exciting possibilities that lie ahead. However, recovery is a lifelong process, and as time passes and challenges arise, it can become difficult at times to want to motivate yourself to push forward until you endure. Doing the same acts day in and day out can bring you to the point of feeling completely unmotivated. Soon, the people and activities you usually enjoy might start to get on your nerves, and the meetings you attend as well as your work might not give you the same drive. Over time, doing the same thing may not serve you the same way.
Changing your recovery program might be the thing you need to spark motivation. Gaining a new perspective on the solution you are seeking also promotes unexpected growth. Remember, recovery takes on new shapes and temperatures; therefore, you will have to change things up at times to sustain recovery. Remember, you cannot eradicate your addiction, which means you have to be persistent in maintaining sobriety.
Let's take a look at how changing certain aspects of your schedule could be the very thing to get you motivated and participating in your life, recovery, and pursuit of success.
Adhering to the same schedule every day is great for structure and persistence; however, it can wain on your enthusiasm over time. If you feel like you are becoming caught up in the same grind, you might be viewing your life and recovery through a skewed lens. Sometimes you truly can't see the forest through the trees and need to get above it or take a step back to get some perspective on your recovery as a whole.
Challenge all of your negative feelings by practicing mindfulness and keeping a gratitude journal. Using five minutes at the start or end of your day to think about and list everything you are grateful for is a terrific way to shift your negative attitude to a positive one. Understanding all that you have and how far you have come helps you focus on the things that bring you joy. Challenging negative thoughts with questions of why you feel a certain way can also explain why you respond this way to specific events and situations.
Schedules often begin to diminish their effectiveness when they become predictable. It begins to feel as though your body has gone on autopilot and is going through the motions. When you function this way, you block out, ignore or overlook everything that is going on because you understand what you need to do to get through.
However, just going through the motions can soon leave you feeling uninspired. Changing up your routine, including how you start your day, how you handle tasks at work, and what time you meet with others, can infuse zest and optimism back into your life. Studies show that rearranging your schedule improves brain function and breaks out of the cycle of monotony to experience enjoyment.
By changing things up, your new sense of optimism returns you to a sense of adventure and could have you pursuing new activities and experiences. Such experiences help you gain clarity, prevent burnout, and provoke inspiration. While maintaining a schedule is essential, change can happen within. If you feel your schedule is bogging you down, switch it up or add some new element. Have dinner on the patio instead of at the couch or table. These small shifts work wonders for bringing you a sense of freshness and motivation.
A support network in recovery is essential for lasting recovery. However, when is the last time you looked at the people in your support networks? You are likely more motivated early on in your recovery to seek people who support you, but you might let your guard down and let in those that don't have your best in mind over time. It is vital to reassess the people in your network and better understand their motivations and how they make you feel.
Toxic and draining relationships should be avoided, just as you should avoid those trying to pressure you to attend a party or use substances. If there is any indication that the relationship is not helping your recovery or propel you forward, you should consider sidestepping the relationship. Eventually, these types of relationships will bring down your recovery. You deserve nothing but healthy, thriving relationships. Stick with people who love and support you and strive to better themselves because these traits will lead you toward success.
Motivation can be hard to find at certain times in your recovery, but learning how to overcome the challenges is the key to a successful and lasting recovery. At START UP RECOVERY, we work with individuals to help them find the meaning and purpose in their life and recovery. We surround you with a network of enthusiastic and motivated people to ensure that you are getting the inspiration needed to thrive. We will help you take what you have learned in recovery and life thus far a step further to help you figure out your worth and find the motivation to take action. If you feel as though you have become stagnant and turn to negative thoughts and behaviors, then it is time to get help. With 24/7 admissions, there is never a wrong time to reach out and talk to someone at START UP RECOVERY. To find out more, call us today at 310-773-3809.