As you move forward into your new, sober lifestyle, you may have the feeling that you need to conduct yourself differently this time around. You’re exactly right--if you keep doing the same things you’ve always done, you’ll keep seeing the same results you’ve always seen. An important part of your long-term health will be developing positive habits to keep yourself on track with staying sober, avoiding relapse, and acting in your own best interests.
Remember, recovery is a process, not an on/off switch. Every small step forward is a step towards healing. Every day that you go without giving in to cravings is a day of success. That said, there are certain things you can do to maximize your mental and emotional stability as you walk the path of recovery. Follow healthy habits to keep clean and find success in your sobriety.
Be Aware of Your State of Mind
Nothing will help you stay on top of your wellbeing like keeping a watchful eye on your state of mind. Knowing the signs of emotional disturbance in yourself can help you take action when you suspect that you might be slipping into an unhealthy place. Watch for indications of depression, anxiety, and isolation. When left unaddressed, these can be especially significant precursors to cravings and relapse.
Take some time to get to know yourself on a deeper level. What invigorates you? What drains you of your energy? What do you need to feel satisfied at the end of the day? Being more aware of how you work will give you the tools to treat yourself well and leave yourself feeling positive and emotionally satiated. Don’t ever hesitate to take time out for yourself--no social commitments or engagements are more important than your mental health. If you need time to recharge, give it to yourself. If you need to take a break from a difficult job or from a demanding relationship, trust your gut. Give yourself what you need so you can stay in a good mental place and handle everything else in your life with more enthusiasm and ability.
Practice Commitments to Your Lasting Health
Part of your commitment to keeping healthy comes in the form of making small, consistent steps each day to uphold your wellbeing. Giving yourself regular physical exercise, mental stimulation, emotional sustenance, and all-around self-care might only take a small portion of each day, but will add up to great benefits that affect your whole life.
Another benefit of making incremental commitments to healthy activities is that you can make them with friends or peers. Go on walks, form a book club, or bike around your neighborhood. Having regular social activities will not only stimulate your mind and body, but will keep you on a dependable schedule of interaction that helps you check in with people about how you’re doing.
Make a Plan and Stick to It
It might seem obvious, but by putting a plan in place to follow once serious problems arise, you’ll be much better equipped to make healthy decisions. The pressures of a crisis can come on rapidly, leaving even the most well-intentioned among us overwhelmed by negative emotions and stress. Having a plan designed to get you through such difficult times takes the pressure off of you from having to make a decision in that moment--all you’ll have to do is follow the steps you set out for yourself when you were in a better place.
Once you’ve made a plan to follow in case of mental health crisis, relapse, craving, or moment of weakness, it’s important to be in the habit of regularly checking in with the people who support your sobriety. The more people who know about your efforts to stay on track, the more support you’ll have in the event that things start to go south.
Reach Out and Avoid Isolation
One of the healthiest ways that you can keep yourself afloat during stressful times is to reach out to the people in your life who you trust to provide support and encouragement. Whether you connect with your family, close friends, or treatment professionals, opening up about your negative feelings can allow you to work together with the people who care about you to address them head-on, leaving them no chance to linger and worsen.
You can always reach out to your peers or sponsor at a 12-Step program or recovery center. You may even benefit from seeking guidance in the form of a specialized living center designed to facilitate recovery and growth for people who’ve overcome addiction. Make sure to explore your options and avail yourself of the best possible resources for your journey of transformation.
When you’re ready to rebuild your life, it’s in your best interest to give yourself the best possible chances of making a new beginning. Developing healthy habits, building self-awareness, and putting meaningful effort into transforming your lifestyle are serious endeavors, and you’re best equipped to tackle the project head-on by placing yourself in a supportive environment. At START UP RECOVERY, we provide an immersive and comprehensive luxury living center for you to press the reset button on your life. We offer a personalized approach that addresses every aspect of creating your new life. From planning the details of your sober future to connecting you to professionals who can work through your emotional struggles, get the help you need to transform your life. Take the initiative to make this next chapter of your life a stepping stone to the healthy, successful future you want to see. Call us at 310-773-3809 to learn more.