Many people see the new year as an opportunity to leave old habits and behaviors in the past. Some of us have habits which really should be left behind, and just due to fads or trends. Certain habits can be harmful, now or down the line. Smoking cigarettes, overindulging in drugs or alcohol, overeating, spending too much time on social media, even hitting the snooze button every morning: some bad habits are directly harmful, and others, which might seem innocent, can block you from being the best you can be.
“You Snooze, You Lose”
Depending on how COVID-19 has affected your life, you may be sleeping too much these days - or not enough at all. Your sleep schedule is the foundation of your ability to be productive. Some cultures teach that sleeping makes you lazy, while others suggest that sleep is something to be treasured. The truth is that most people benefit from a happy medium. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that getting less sleep will leave you with more time to get work done. We’re all human; we all need sleep.
7-8 hours is the general recommendation, leaving you with 16 hours of consciousness. If you want to maximize your productivity, focus on using your waking hours wisely. Try not hitting the snooze button the next time your alarm goes off in the morning. Break the habit of spending your time on Earth wishing you could go back to counting sheep.
“You Are What You Eat”
The food we eat is a direct reflection of who we are and how we look. People can usually tell if you’re not eating enough, or if you’re eating too much. Like with sleep, your eating habits should have a happy medium; unhealthy eating habits can affect you just as negatively as unhealthy sleeping habits. Most people don’t intentionally follow beneficial eating plans without a reason. You have to take the first step towards deciding you want to improve the way you treat yourself.
The human body is like a car that needs fuel. Depending on the vehicle, you don't want to reach for the cheapest gas you can get your hands on. As humans, we should treat our bodies like Lamborghinis. If you wouldn’t put bottom-shelf fuel into a luxury car, why would you put a 99¢ burger into your body? The same goes for the amount of food you consume. If your car does not have gas, it simply will not run. If you continue to use your car with low fuel, you can damage your fuel pump and get debris stuck in your engine. You don't have to be a mechanic to understand the dangers of running your body without adequate sustenance. If you force your body to function without giving it the proper amount of nutrients and minerals, it can shut down. The answer isn’t necessarily to adopt a specific diet or food fad. It’s to cut out unhelpful habits like not eating enough or eating too much, avoid junk food without nutritional value, and reduce the amount of excessively unhealthy fuel you use to fill your tank. The difference it makes to your energy levels, mood, and overall health may surprise you.
Put an End to Procrastination
No matter who you are, what you do, or where you are in life, you’re probably well aware of how procrastinating can hinder your success. The urge to put things off can prevent you from following a schedule, doing what you must do each day, and reaching your long-term goals. Procrastinating adds unnecessary pressure to your life, which can lead to anxiety and depression if left unmanaged. When you’re constantly pushing things back, it can seem like everything is caving in on you at once.
To avoid procrastination, consider creating an airtight schedule and connecting with an accountability partner. Creating a solid schedule can help you balance and prioritize your obligations. Starting off your day with the most difficult task can reverse your desire to push things back. The most difficult time to try to complete important work is at the end of the day. The next hardest time to be productive is in the afternoon, after you’ve done other things or eaten lunch, where there’s a higher chance you’ll lose motivation. Kick-start your morning and put an end to procrastination for once and for all. You’ll notice a difference, and so will the people around you.
Heading into the new year, you want to become the best possible version of yourself. It’s a mission you can sustain with the right effort and attitude. Find a way to get a healthy amount of sleep. Make sure you develop beneficial and intentional eating habits, giving yourself the fuel and nutrition you need to be productive throughout your day. Avoid junk food, especially before bed. Be proactive in creating a schedule to map out your entire day, week, or month. Being intentional in your habits as you approach the new year can help you maintain a productive lifestyle. Procrastination, unhealthy sleeping or eating practices, and consistent problems in managing your time can be signs of anxiety or depression. START UP RECOVERY provides a state-of-the-art living space for people who want to get away from the pressures of daily life and reform their habits with long term health in mind. If you are overworked, overstressed, or need to hit the reset button so that you can redesign your life according to your individual needs, contact us at (310) 773-3809 to learn more.