There are many factors to consider when deciding to take the leap into working independently. While you may be capable of coming up with strong ideas on your own, your support system is what turns those ideas into something actionable. When it comes to selling a product or managing a business, success takes more than making sales. As an entrepreneur, it’s in your best interest to surround yourself with innovative, effective people who will influence your process for the better.
Your Support System Can Be Your Biggest Cheerleaders
It’s important to make the distinction that, while your support system can encourage you, help guide you, contribute to the process of starting your business, and even connect you with new opportunities, you shouldn’t treat them like your customers or clients. It’s great if the people in your support system choose to patronize your business, and they may very well do so. Remember, though, that they aren’t your target audience. Your friends and family are meant to support you on a personal level, not sustain you financially.
Of course, that doesn’t mean they can’t help you spread the word and shamelessly promote your business. Your friends and family can be your biggest cheerleaders, drawing attention to your efforts and sharing your work with people who might be interested. You can drop not-so-subtle hints around the holidays that your friends and family should support your business by purchasing products or memberships for others who might not yet know about your endeavors.
Support Comes in Many Forms
Supporting your entrepreneurial projects doesn't have to be taxing on your friends. If your product is freely accessible and your goal is to increase engagement, such as by getting more listeners on a podcast or subscribers on a YouTube channel, you’re in an ever better position to get help from your support network. Sharing and subscribing to your business’s social media presence costs nothing but time.
Your friends, family, and core supporters are also in the unique position to provide feedback and guidance, especially in the early stages of your independent work. After you launch, they can leave those crucial initial positive reviews on your public channels. Even more helpful advice can be if they didn’t love everything about what you’re doing. Be open and welcoming to criticism and suggestions for improvement from the people you trust. There are bound to be hiccups and obstacles when starting a business and it’s very possible that others may see shortcomings or areas of improvement that escaped your notice. They can privately send you videos or articles to help you improve your product, all the while continuing to champion your business in the public eye.
The Power of Networking
No matter who you are, your current connections can open doors for you. They may introduce you to potentially valuable new contacts, connect you with investors or start-up mavens, or promote your business to journalists and publicists. You may even already know people with some of these skills or professions. Whether it’s social media management, marketing, copywriting, or graphic design, chances are that resources you’ll need to grow are either already in your personal circle or are one or two degrees removed. You never know who knows somebody in the field until you make it publicly clear that you’re starting a business and are seeking to network.
Support in Your Personal Life
Launching your own business can be draining. You may feel the constant pressure of needing to succeed, to break even, to hit those milestones as soon as possible. Entrepreneurship isn’t as easy to clock out of as a desk job. Remember that your support system is meant to be there for you on a personal level, to ease some of that stress. Don’t hesitate to ask people to cook for you, do yoga with you, or simply give you the space to vent your frustrations and comfort your anxieties. It’s also important to have people in your life who won’t be afraid to tell you to take a break or go easy on yourself. While you may not be willing to listen to your own thoughts of slowing down, hearing it from someone you trust can make a difference.
Connect With a Mentor
Seeking help from someone who has been where you are now can put you on the right path. Network with your peers and online to connect with someone whose path of entrepreneurship you admire. Surrounding yourself with people who are successful and who care about you will allow you to launch your business with confidence. START UP RECOVERY offers a Sober Mentor Program that helps people navigate the process of recovery and move on to a balanced and successful life. We connect you with a personalized mentor chosen for your specific personal and career goals. Whether you work in entertainment, technology, or the legal industry, our resources can provide you with uniquely beneficial contacts who will work with you on a one-on-one basis to kickstart your endeavors and guide you through the entire process.
As you embark upon the path of starting your own business, surrounding yourself with a strong, trustworthy support system is a critical component of your future success. As an entrepreneur, don’t be afraid to reach out to colleagues, friends, or family for feedback, input, networking, and public support. Remember, though, you can benefit from support as a person, not just as a business owner. Your support system can provide you with much-needed emotional encouragement and assistance in your home life. Starting a business or project can be challenging, so make sure you’re taking advantage of every possible resource to both combat stress and open up your endeavors to every possible avenue of expansion. At START UP RECOVERY, we understand the importance of a stable support network on professional and personal levels. Our Sober Mentor Program is specifically designed to connect you with outstanding professionals in your field, providing a highly individualized one-on-one relationship that will guide and aid your success in every aspect of your life. Call (310) 773-3809 to learn more.