It can be difficult and frustrating to embark on the journey of living independently. You are leaving behind the comfort and security of home and, for the first time, taking a chance on yourself. You also worry that perhaps you have inhibited something to interfere with your growth, possibly characteristics of tending to be a little dependent, lazy, or unmotivated. These characteristics can become bad habits that limit your growth, thus sparking your failure to launch syndrome. However, such a diagnosis is so complex that you might wonder if you are using the term correctly to identify yourself and your situation. Looking at the definition of failure to launch and its influencing factors can help you determine if this is something that you need help with overcoming.
What is Failure to Launch?
Failure to launch is a common term used to describe a young adult struggling to transition into adulthood. Signs of this be the inability to leave home, support oneself, or feeling or appearing stuck in your eyes and the eyes of surrounding adults. Some might interpret you as being too immature to move forward into becoming an adult. While some young adults find rites of passage encouraging, such as college or a job, with some, it causes regressive behavior.
Sometimes it takes support during this transition; it might include a stint at home with parents after graduating college. However, this does not mean that you are struggling. Failure to launch describes a young adult after long periods of dependency without notable progress or motivation. If you are experiencing failure to launch, you might experience diminished self-esteem and poor self-regulation.
Enabling Behaviors in Others
The parent-child relationship is vital in the development of a young adult. If your parents are overprotective, you might lack autonomy. Look back and think about when you faced age-appropriate challenges such as your first sleepover, entering middle or high school, or learning to drive. Though well-meaning, if your parents were eager to protect or try to make your experiences easier, you might have missed opportunities to develop confidence. As a result, you might hold an unhealthy attachment to your parents because they enable your behavior.
Seeking a professional to help uncover characteristics influenced by your past is a great way to help you transition away from these negative traits and behaviors. Professional help can allow you to develop a healthy, confident relationship with yourself and your parents.
Addictive Behaviors
Entitlement, isolation, and unhealthy family systems are symptoms of failure to launch syndrome. If addiction is present, failure to launch may go unnoticed. Young adults struggling with a chemical addiction are more likely to experience financial hardships and cognitive and emotional instability.
If you suffer from an online addiction, you limit yourself from developing healthy social and coping skills and valuable time. Over time, these contributing factors can make it difficult for you to sustain independent living. If you notice addictive behaviors and are struggling to make commitments to transition into adulthood, it may be time to reach out to a professional. At START UP Recovery, we work with all ages to help instill a self and career-oriented purpose, including assisting with the transformation it will take to becoming an adult.
Mental Health Disorders
Mental health disorders are a common cause for failure to launch syndrome. Leaving home can cause feelings of anxiety, stress, and depression. If untreated, these feelings can stay with you. Your mental health is also affected by any past trauma you might have experienced. As much as you want to become independent, your mental health state can be what is preventing you. Taking time to learn about your family health history not only educates you on potential risk factors but can help you discover and treat any disorder you might have. Keeping up on your health and getting treatment enables you to stay ahead of succumbing to any mental health disorders in the future.
What Kind of Help Do I Need?
Seeking help begins with assessing your situation, including your behaviors and health needs. You must be honest about how you are feeling and behaving. Speaking to a healthcare professional about what is going on - whether that is lack of motivation to leave or resentments towards growing up - can help you decide the best avenue of professional help to meet your needs. Remember, the longer you avoid persistent symptoms, the more likely you will need therapeutic intervention.
At some point, every young adult encounters problems in their transition to becoming an adult. However, if you cannot motivate yourself to move forward or are scared into isolation, it may be time to seek help. At START UP Recovery, our goal is to help you build the confidence needed to become an adult. We provide a diverse staff and connect you with a healthy support system to ensure you can grow into yourself comfortably and at your pace. To reach the life you want will mean taking risks to get there, and START UP Recovery will take the risk with you and help you on your way to independent transformation. We offer a host of options and opportunities. We also have a beachside location just in case you need that little extra inspiration from the sun and ocean. You can take control of your future and attain the life you deserve, but it all begins with taking that first step. Remember, your health comes first. To learn more, reach out to START UP Recovery today by calling (310) 773-3809.