

Boredom Does Not Need to be a Negative Space

Boredom Does Not Need to be a Negative Space

May 22, 2021

Most people do not bode well with boredom. Amid a time where there are so many handy outlets such as phones to keep you entertained, just having to wait for even a couple of minutes can feel like an eternity. Therefore, most downtime becomes an opportunity to check emails or scroll shopping sites. While it might feel productive to order pillowcases in between meetings, such constant stimuli may be short-sighted.

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National Fitness Day: Incorporating Exercise into Your Life

National Fitness Day: Incorporating Exercise into Your Life

May 17, 2021

It is too common that you begin to neglect your physical health needs after you embark on a new career venture. Soon you might find yourself with inadequate nutrition, low energy, and lack of motivation when tending to priorities outside of work, including exercise. The reason for this might be because you have shifted all of your focus to your new career opportunity. While it is great to be enthusiastic about a new career venture, some of the most necessary things to sustain success happens outside of the office.

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Shifting From “Bad Busy” to “Good Busy”

Shifting From “Bad Busy” to “Good Busy”

May 15, 2021

From childhood, our parents, teachers, and other mentors and leaders in our lives constantly instruct us to keep busy or look busy. By the time we reach adulthood, keeping busy might become skewed because it is used more as a mechanism to avoid getting in trouble or looking lazy rather than a tool that helps us work smarter. However, in recovery and business, being busy often takes on a whole other context.

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I’ve Lost my Motivation, What Now?

I’ve Lost my Motivation, What Now?

May 13, 2021

Early on in recovery, it might feel somewhat effortless to imagine and pursue all the exciting possibilities that lie ahead. However, recovery is a lifelong process, and as time passes and challenges arise, it can become difficult at times to want to motivate yourself to push forward until you endure. Doing the same acts day in and day out can bring you to the point of feeling completely unmotivated. Soon, the people and activities you usually enjoy might start to get on your nerves, and the meetings you attend as well as your work might not give you the same drive. Over time, doing the same thing may not serve you the same way.

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How to Accelerate Your Growth in Recovery

How to Accelerate Your Growth in Recovery

May 12, 2021

Every day you spend sober is another opportunity to grow, learn and get closer to your goals. Whether you want to develop a business, write a book, or get a promotion, you have to become the person capable of achieving such things. In both personal and professional endeavors, self-improvement is the root of all achievement. Much like your success in overcoming addiction, your recovery exists because you chose to get motivated and find a better lifestyle for yourself. Your success level seldom exceeds your personal development because success is something you attract with the person you become.

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Is Anybody Out There: How Do I Combat Loneliness in Recovery?

Is Anybody Out There: How Do I Combat Loneliness in Recovery?

May 12, 2021

Loneliness in recovery can become among the most challenging obstacles to overcome. Loneliness can lead to isolation, negative thoughts, negative behaviors, relapse, or worse. Likewise, sometimes in recovery, you might feel like you are the only one in the world, alone and detached from others – especially late in the night.

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Failure to Launch Syndrome in Young Adults

Failure to Launch Syndrome in Young Adults

May 10, 2021

Failure to launch syndrome can be both heartbreaking and frustrating for a parent. Watching your child struggle to make the transition to becoming an independent adult might have you feeling somewhat helpless over what to do. You might even wonder if you are somehow responsible for your child's lack or inability for growth.

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The Connection Between Ambition and Depression

The Connection Between Ambition and Depression

May 8, 2021

Sometimes when you strive to accomplish a goal, you set high expectations. You likely even visualize yourself reaching that goal which can help boost your motivation. While it is great to pursue goals and feel motivated, it can become problematic if you are more focused on achieving a goal just for the sole sake of saying you achieved something. Just like when you set your expectations too high, your goal becomes unreasonable, and you risk feeling upset and disappointed.

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4 Ways: How Do I Change My Perspective?

4 Ways: How Do I Change My Perspective?

May 6, 2021

Challenges come in various forms to find us regardless of where we're at in life. You might be able to overcome the challenge, or perhaps the challenge is difficult to overcome and therefore has a negative impact, thus creating a negative perspective. You likely understand by now that it isn't easy to change a negative mindset into a positive outlook. Such examples include becoming upset because things don't go as planned, someone is upset at you, or you got a flat tire on the way to work.

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Don't Neglect Your Feelings

Don't Neglect Your Feelings

May 5, 2021

All human beings experience emotions. Emotions are a critical component of your life and survival. Therefore, you will experience a broad range of emotions; sometimes they are comfortable, sometimes they are uncomfortable. While experiencing unpleasant emotions is a natural part of existence, you might experience uncomfortable emotions more frequently in recovery and especially early recovery because your mind is still processing and adapting to your newfound sobriety.

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