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Daniella Mohazab

Daniella Mohazab

Daniella Mohazab is a career oriented wellness and mental health advocate. She graduated from the USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism in May of 2018 with a degree in Communication with a minor in Media Economics and Entrepreneurship. At USC, she was awarded with the Order of Troy award upon graduation, an award given to graduating members the undergraduate class that demonstrate strong and impactful work throughout the university. Daniella was also a member of the USC Lloyd Greif Center of Entrepreneurial Studies’ Incubator program the Fall of 2017 with her company, Happy Pill —

In January of 2017, Daniella founded Happy Pill, a company geared towards discussing mental health amount millennial women. Currently, Happy Pill focuses on removing a negative stigma around mental illnesses on college campuses. To do this, Daniella has developed an upbeat, attractive site that holds a platform for professionals to post articles and their contact information in a database, and is also a place for young women to find articles that are relevant to their everyday lives.

Aside from running Happy Pill, Daniella attends graduate school at USC, working towards earning her Master’s in Communication Management.  Daniella brings an unparalleled voice from the millennial perspective to help curate ideas, events, and messaging that takes START UP RECOVERY to a whole new level.

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