Remaining steadfast in the pursuit of your goals can become challenging — life is demanding, therefore at times, distractions happen. The capacity to manage priorities including work, home, financial, mental, and physical wellbeing can make your pursuit of success downright arduous. It comes as no surprise that you might find yourself neglecting the ideas and goals that are important to you. Over time, this neglect can leave you saying things like, “It wasn't meant to be,” or “It wasn't fun anymore.” However, this attitude can begin to dictate all aspects of your life, including the responsibilities and relationships that you need to maintain your health, recovery, and career.
It can be discouraging to hear about “overnight success stories”; however, they tend to cut out the 20 or 30 years it took to reach success. Success requires discipline, hard work, perseverance, tenacity, will, courage and faith. Does this sound like anything familiar? Recovery, maybe? Let's take a look at how you can reassess your goals, improve your techniques and approach so that you can commit to learning.
Create Successful Habits
Creating healthy habits is essential in helping to maintain and gain lasting success. Using the knowledge you have attained from recovery gives you an edge; you have likely practiced developing and reaching goals that inhibit healthy habits and growth. For success, the same principles apply. The key here is to look at your daily routines and habits and decide which ones draw you closer to your goal. Try to weed out the negative habits like surfing the internet or snacking and replacing them with affirmative ones.
Once you know that you are wasting time to avoid handling a task, you can move to correct this by disabling the internet, leaving your phone in another room, or working in a space without a TV. Over time, your determination will begin to create a new habit, one that aims to make you more focused on reaching your goals.
Become a Lifelong Learner
Much like a plant that withers and dies when it loses its survival resources, your skills do not flourish when you stop feeding your brain information. Becoming a lifelong learner begins with cultivating the right mindset. To start, you need to exercise curiosity. A curious mind thirsts for more; it thrives on finding new challenges, ideas, and experiences. Adopting this mindset will help you grow beyond your imagination.
When you open yourself up to new possibilities, you come to understand that the way to reach the potential for success requires being willing to learn. Such a mindset aids you in approaching life from a place of gratitude instead of ego; this is because you know to take nothing for granted. It is not about hoarding all information upfront but instead allowing yourself the opportunity to learn and evolve your thoughts and perspectives throughout a lifetime.
When you think of your recovery, think about how far you have come and where you might be if you did not open yourself up to learning how to overcome addiction and continue to learn ways to combat the disease. Finding your best success is no different. Your main priority should be continuing to work on your personal development and growth every day.
Collaborative Thinking
Without an outside perspective or opinion, nothing is standing in the way to challenge your thoughts. If you were to learn a new skill, is it likely that you would try to learn it alone? Collaborative or shared thinking returns a greater value than solo thinking; learning from others makes things much easier than working things out on your own. Collaborative thinking yields a higher return on your investment of time. When you surround yourself with a motivated and supportive network of people, they not only help keep you accountable — but because you respect them — you're listening, asking questions, and learning.
Hearing how others approach their personal and professional goals can help flip a switch inside you, leading to a breakthrough or a new perspective. When you're excited to learn, you not only do more, but the work almost feels like play. While it is crucial to work with people who have walked your path and shared your experiences, someone who is completely unrelated to your interest could also serve as a watchful eye in offering an unbiased perspective.
Focus on the Small Victories
Keeping motivated to reach the ultimate goal is excellent; however, it might become a significant roadblock if the path you take changes unexpectedly. It is essential to stay focused on the task at hand and understand this as a stepping stone or climbing up another rung to reach your goal. For example, if you were preparing to run a marathon, you probably wouldn't try to run the 26.2 miles in the first attempt. Instead, you would build to it; two miles, four miles, eight miles, and so on. Triumphing over the small victories not only breeds confidence but offers opportunities to help you learn about yourself and what you are pursuing. The chance to get things right in the stages leading up to your goal is more advantageous than getting things wrong when they matter.
Success happens when your goals derive from things that ignite you with a sense of purpose and meaning. At START UP RECOVERY, we are all about working with you to do just that. We believe that you already embody the potential needed to reach and exceed your goals, and we work to help mobilize you toward seeing how much you are capable of doing. To live a remarkable life takes persistence and consistency despite fear and doubt. If you are in a place where you feel that you are not motivated to learn and move forward, then now is the best time to reach out for help. Make START UP RECOVERY your choice to help you navigate your life and reach your best personal and professional success. We are devoted to helping you transform from within. With 24/7 admissions, there is no excuse good enough not to reach out. To learn more, call us today at 310-773-3809.