

Navigating Relationships in Recovery

Navigating Relationships in Recovery

May 3, 2021

Active addiction can negatively impact your relationship within families, marriages, and friends. Likewise, a substance use disorder can also have you connecting with people that harm your mental and physical health. After years of putting your body through substance use and deteriorating your relationships, seeking recovery aims to rebuild and find healthier relationships to sustain lasting recovery. Without a strong support system, finding health, balance, and happiness in recovery will be challenging. A strong support system helps you avoid toxic relationships that put your recovery at risk. 

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Going Back to School in Recovery

Going Back to School in Recovery

May 1, 2021

Deciding to become sober is life-changing and presents to you many new and exciting opportunities. Among these opportunities might be your desire to go back to school. Working toward earning the degree you always wanted or pursuing a new career path is ultimately a positive choice that can offer you a rewarding outcome. However, if you decide to go back to school, you will want to consider all the pros and cons to determine if you are ready to undertake the challenge. Remember, your recovery is a life-long effort, so taking on too much too soon can harm your recovery. It is essential to always weigh your options and plan. 

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Can Productivity Obsession Make You Less Productive?

Can Productivity Obsession Make You Less Productive?

Apr 27, 2021

Today, being productive has become a standard requirement for value. The idea is that those who can accomplish more in less time are more valuable to themselves, their colleges, their companies, and their families. It has become common to believe that the more productive one is, the more successful they can be, and therefore they try to optimize every aspect of their life. 

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How Spring Offers Opportunity for Self-Growth and Change

How Spring Offers Opportunity for Self-Growth and Change

Apr 27, 2021

Most people have a positive association with the spring. In some places, springtime means melting snow, warmer air, and new growth. The new beginnings of spring not only help to reshape the landscape but can also contribute to reshaping your mind. Spring can become a gratifying season in that you might see positive efforts made surrounding the cleansing work of the fall and the winter's storage and preservation. Seasons correspond in ways that mirror your internal environment. Spring can be a great time of renewal to help you gain insight into things like making new moves, setting new goals, or seeing through your goals. 

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Mindfully Coping with Complex Emotions

Mindfully Coping with Complex Emotions

Apr 25, 2021

Life can often move quickly. The demands of your relationships, daily tasks, and work-related stressors can leave you feeling fatigued and overwhelmed with negative thoughts and an unproductive approach to life. If you keep living trying to keep up, difficult emotions such as anger, confusion, fear, loneliness, and sadness can begin to unravel both your personal and professional success gained in recovery.

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How Do You Find Employment in Recovery?

How Do You Find Employment in Recovery?

Apr 24, 2021

Recovery is about continuing to expand upon the habits and methods you learned when overcoming your addiction. Optimizing the best recovery takes a fair amount of work on your part in making sure that you are persistent, consistent, and motivated to lead your life through empowerment and your sense of independence. Among the many pursuits you'll want to explore after overcoming your addiction is finding employment opportunities. Studies show that finding work in early recovery helps lower your chances of relapse and increases your personal and professional life's overall positive outcomes.

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A Sense of Self: Understanding Why Boundaries Matter

A Sense of Self: Understanding Why Boundaries Matter

Apr 23, 2021

Part of recovery is being able to set boundaries with others, and it is also about setting boundaries with yourself. Understanding what is important to you and detrimental to your recovery is vital in realizing what you want. Working to discover your sense of self helps you perceive your unique traits, talents, and qualities, including your strengths and weaknesses. It also helps establish your self-respect and the respect you expect from friends, family, and peers from your support groups. Knowing where to begin when discovering your sense of self can be a daunting task, but there are many effective strategies you can utilize to help boost your self-image, esteem, and overall sense of self. 

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How Do I Commit to Learning?

How Do I Commit to Learning?

Apr 22, 2021

Remaining steadfast in the pursuit of your goals can become challenging — life is demanding, therefore at times, distractions happen. The capacity to manage priorities including work, home, financial, mental, and physical wellbeing can make your pursuit of success downright arduous. It comes as no surprise that you might find yourself neglecting the ideas and goals that are important to you. Over time, this neglect can leave you saying things like, “It wasn't meant to be,” or “It wasn't fun anymore.” However, this attitude can begin to dictate all aspects of your life, including the responsibilities and relationships that you need to maintain your health, recovery, and career. 

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Managing Your Social Support Systems

Managing Your Social Support Systems

Apr 18, 2021

Long-term substance use can lead to isolation and conflicts with friends and family. When this happens due to substance use, it creates destructive behaviors and causes you to feel disconnected from positive change supporters. Distancing yourself from friends and family can make the early stages of recovery very hard to tolerate. However, rebuilding and reconnecting within healthy support networks helps to break destructive behavioral patterns and decrease the risk of relapse.

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Is There Any Relationship Between Artists and Mental Illness?

Is There Any Relationship Between Artists and Mental Illness?

Apr 17, 2021

There has been much fascination between the link of art expression and the artist's mental health. Interest comes from the fact that some artists are known to struggle with particular mental health disorders. The pattern dates back centuries. Among the more popular artists is the work of Vincent Van Gogh, who tragically died by suicide. Many now believe that Gogh's work suggests his anxiety, stress, and depression because of its eccentric and often melancholy portrayals of people and places. 

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