
Monday State of Mind, EP 20: Uncover, Discover and Discard with Gregg Champion
Michael Arnold
Sep 1, 2020
We hear slogans everyday. But do we really process the bigger meaning of them? In this episode, Gregg Champion really digs deep into the value and meaning of several recovery slogans and how they have helped him throughout his life. He also really brings to light the fact that these slogans aren't just for those in recovery from drugs and alcohol. The are truly universal!
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Recovery Happy Hour, EP 96: What's Your Miracle Gregg Champion?
Tricia Lewis
Jun 1, 2020
Today’s interview is with Gregg Champion co-founder of Start Up Recovery. We talked about 25 years of miracles in his sobriety journey. Grab some Kleenex... you might need it! Recovery Happy Hour is available anywhere you listen to your favorite pods. *If you’re having audio issues, they’re fixed! Delete your download and re-download the episode*
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Meet Gregg Champion of START UP RECOVERY and THE RECOVERY PLAYBOOK in Pacific Palisades
Apr 16, 2020
Today we’d like to introduce you to Gregg Champion. Gregg, please share your story with us. How did you get to where you are today? When I first got sober 25 years ago, little did I know that it would lead to a career path. In the last decade, I had been teaching Entrepreneurship at USC and working as a Recovery Coach for various treatment centers. The unique messaging that I brought to the groups at these treatment centers was centered around entrepreneurship, the power of mentors, and the ability to shift one’s addiction to one’s passion. From there, I opened up my own private client coaching business. My clients ranged from newly sober individuals to C-Suite executives, business owners, real estate agents, empty-nester moms, you name it.
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F.A.T.E. From Addict to Entrepreneur with Gregg Champion at START UP RECOVERY and Michael G. Dash
Michael Dash
Mar 12, 2020
START UP RECOVERY: How One Addict Found Purpose by Helping Others Recover and Find Their Own Passions. 25 years ago, Gregg Champion was battling addiction and had just been arrested for the second time in one week. His addiction had taken control of his life, and he had hit rock bottom. Today, Gregg is helping others shift their addiction to their passion. His company, START UP RECOVERY, provides luxury, transformational residences as well as recovery apartment communities that helps others recover from addiction, trauma, drama, pain and shame as well as shift their energy and passion into something they love.
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The Addicted Mind Podcast, EP 76: Finding Yourself at Rock Bottom with Gregg Champion
Duane Osterlind
Nov 1, 2019
Podcast host, Duane Osterlind, LMFT, CSAT, sits down with Gregg Champion on the topic of “Rock Bottom.” Rock bottom is choosing to do the same thing over again, knowing that the result is going to be bad. It can happen as a result of many different things, like childhood trauma, divorce, or addiction. At rock bottom, people often find themselves doing things that they said they would never do. For Gregg, Developing joy in life, and shifting from addiction to passion are parts of the process of recovering from rock bottom. This does not happen overnight. It happens one day at a time and it can result in people becoming addicted to a life of recovery.
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Sep 1, 2019
University of Southern California Institute for Addiction Science and START UP RECOVERY came together for a partnership in the fall of 2019 for a special gathering of industry giants, investors, and academics in the hills of Pacific Palisades.
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